Team Ivey Racing Car
I had a great time building and racing a wooden car from a Pinewood Derby Car Kit. I built the car to race with my daughter and son for his cub scout racing event. My wife motivated me to actually get a little creative with the project.
The kit comes with a rectangular block of wood and four plastic wheels. You can saw, carve, paint the wood and accessorize the car into a racing machine. I used one of my model cars (the Porsche 917K) as inspiration. I sketched out the shape and used a Dremel to mold the wood to get the look I wanted.

It is finished.
I was happy with how it turned out, but I had no clue as to how it would perform in a race. The car’s weight limit was 5 ounces, so I added weights to the bottom.

Time to race!
The track had a display that was able to record the time and results of each finish.

I had two very close races. I won this race at 3.129 seconds to the second place finisher who finished at 3.132. I’m the yellow car in lane 1.
I lost the other close race. I placed second at 3.103 seconds (I think) to the first place finisher who finished at 3.096 (I think). I’m in lane 2 (the middle lane).
Overall, I went 5-1. The final time results will be tallied up and revealed next week.